Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hello, all...
Here is some info about a walk happening here in Fort Worth on October 4th .We will be celebrating the life of Trinity Bright , sweet angel who was attacked by DIPG in the spring of 2007 . The fund raised will go the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation .
here is the website for the event
And here is where to register

Please if you live in the area, get up early and join us , there will be fun stuff for the kids to do .
My kiddos and hubbi will be on the soccer fields unfortunately . But I will be there .
Come support Angel ...
There is NO cure for DIPG . When Children are diagnosed ,parents get told their child has 6 to 12 months to live , they get told to take them home, have fun and make memories. Brain tumors are devastating as we all know but DIPG is a death sentence .

This is Trinity ...



I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Hey Mimi,
Just thought I'd pass along this blog for you to pray for this dear family. Darren lost his wife to brain cancer today. I know that you know the heartwrenching pain he must be feeling and thought you would also know how best to pray for him. Julian's got another friend in heaven with him today.

Theresa said...

She is beautiful. It's so unfair.