I am sitting here in my office at work still laughing , thinking of what transpired in our kitchen , upstairs , a couple of days ago ...
1 pm rolls around and by then Ken is starving , he gets alot little impatient ,when it is time to eat... See I would rather sit at my desk, munch and use my lunchtime to keep up with blogs!! Anyways, he reminds me that he is going to warm up lunch (nothing more yummi than a warmed up Arby sandwich ) and that I have to should show up a few minutes later...
Well , I am gabbin' on IM with Michelle and Haley ( http://www.carepages.com/ HaleyWorld ) and i dont see the time going by...Finally , after being reminded kindly that i needed to go upstairs, I got off my derriere and was making my way up the stairs when I got slowed down by this smell... I thought for a second and ran up the rest of the stairs thinking I had missed somethingcool dangerous!!!
1 pm rolls around and by then Ken is starving , he gets a
Well , I am gabbin' on IM with Michelle and Haley ( http://www.carepages.com/ HaleyWorld ) and i dont see the time going by...Finally , after being reminded kindly that i needed to go upstairs, I got off my derriere and was making my way up the stairs when I got slowed down by this smell... I thought for a second and ran up the rest of the stairs thinking I had missed something
I could tell by Ken's look that indeed i had missed something...He and his mom were standing there waiting for me to ask the very FAMILIAR question in our building " WHAT'S BURNINGCOOKING ??? "
So I did!!! They kind of sat there for a second because they knew once they broke the news ,there would be no stopping me!!! Finally ,Judy explained to me how Ken (who does know that you cant put metal in the microwave) proceeded to warm up all the sandwiches(about 6 ) at once and still wrapped in the foil . Then walked away... He and his mom were talking ,looking out the window .When he turned around , he saw sparks . So he made his way back to the microwave slowly at first ...until flames started shooting out of the top of the microwave door ... Then he ran!! Open the microwave, tried to blow the flames out , made them higher , threw all the stuff in the sink still on fire , they sprayed water all over our lunch , put the fire out , took the sandwiches out of the foiled and VOILA ...Lunch was ready!!!
We actually ate the sandwiches ... THEY TASTED MUCH BETTER !!!
Have a yellow day !!!
That is Way to FUNNY! Glad it wasn't worse. I'm like you skip the formal lunch and blog, if it were just that easy....sigh...maybe we can train everyone else to be like us..LOL!
Love Ya!
HEE HEE!! I love it!!
So who gets to buy the new microwave?
Ice cream is the key. You don't have to heat it up!
Thanks for the chuckle.
PS. I noticed Amanda was IM'ing you. Sorry about that. I was heating dinner up in the microwave...no really, I was.
Love you, Theresa
Awww! Once, my sister in law actually placed an aluminum bowl in our microwave and we were like "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"
Even *I* knew not to do that!
Ok, ya'll are a hoot. Gourmet cooks I see....NOT! Heather
P.S. Please don't ever invite me over for dinner. I prefer my Arby's sandwiches on the med-rare side....
That's great! I needed a really good belly laugh today!
Tell Ken I said thanks (yeah, I know he won't know who I am but my laughing WAS at his expense!)
toooo funny! I am glad Ken was not hurt trying to put the fire out!
Thanks for the chuckle!
Hey is that as bad as teenaged girls putting a plastic bowl in the oven to cook with?
I haven't had a chance to say but I am so glad that you, Michelle, and Dawn got to meet.
Peace and Love to ya, Mimi
Reminds me when my mom told me about my dad calling her to ask her why the Pyrex glass measuring cup broke when he was trying to boil water in it on a gas stove.
Oh man, that is hilarious!! dontcha love it when the hubbies give us such great blogging material :)
My hubby set our microwave on fire making Easy Fries. They come with a tray that is supposed to make them crispy, but being the typical man that he is (sorry guys) he didn't read the directions. He thought they would take half the time in the microwave as they do in the conventional oven. 10 minutes later, they were in flames! I got a new microwave...a PINK one! Gotta love em!
And doesn't he just look proud as punch eating those sandwhiches! LOL!
This cracks me up because I have done it myself. One loud bang got my attention real quick and saved the microwave. Besides, a little radiation never hurt anyone and he looks like he enjoyed it.
Laurie in Ca.
Hey friend, You've been tagged here. Enjoy!
Mimi, I almost hate to admit that I've done nearly the same thing with the foil. It was a really "Duh" moment for me. :-P
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope the story for Julian helped a little. What a tough day it must have been. I watched your post on Chicago. It's nice to see you are finding moments to laugh, experiencing some joy and fun, both with your family (silly Ken) and your girlfriends.
My hubby did the exact same thing the night we were moving into our brand spanking new house. Our poor microwave is scarred forever. I laughed as I read because I knew exactly what was coming up. LOL!
THAT IS HILARIOUS!!!! Thanks for sharing...
Update this frippin blog Mama..
What a hoot! Remind him not to put a whole egg in there either. How funny it made an improvement on the taste.
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