Saturday, April 5, 2008


Does everyone know William ? He is almost three, he is our #4 out of 4 son and has an attitude that never ends!
Anyways, I need some help (or reassurance ) from you other moms out there...
William has poop issues.Not the kind that Karo syru2p can fix either... To explain this further , I need to tell you about three different poop episodes that happened in less than a week . I was suspecting something but now I KNOW...

Last saturday, when William got up , we took his diaper off , I know he is almost three and should be potty trained , BUT , I am not a stay at home mom, I take the child to work with me, which means, when he screams at me to tell me his diaper is dirty and I am busy , I just change him and off he goes .I dont put him on the toilet and make him sit there as punishment for pooping in his diaper!!!
Anyways , last saturday as i was saying, we took his diaper off and let him run around like that hoping he would go to the toilet if he needed it(we heard that it is a very efficient potty training method ! HA ! thanks Super nanny!! Talking about Super Nanny, have you ever noticed how much patience the woman has ...Does she have kids?) . Everything was going great until , Alex comes down the stairs and yells in a very flabbergasted voice " Mama, William pooped in the stairs!!!"
Now remember , I said "We took his diaper off!" ... Well I didn't quite remember that at that very minute... So I tell Alex my usual line " Why don't you change him then?" Then he said " Mama he pooped ON the steps..." Light bulb moment !!HE DOESN'T HAVE A DIAPER!!!
So I make my way towards the stairs wondering what to expect... On the 3/4 of the way landing , there was standing Alex and William both staring at this perfectly shaped TURD!!!
Well at least it took his pants off!!! First episode!!
Only a couple of hours later, he went to play in the backyard , not a big deal. My friend Annette, came for breakfast and was about to take him home with her, so I called him in. Looked like he had been playing in the mud...Great ! I was going to have to clean him again before sending him off... Well that was the least of my worries as it turns out the mud smelled a little like DOG POOP !!!! My innocent little William (HA!) had been stumping and playing in dog poop... Second episode...
Yesterday , at work, he comes up to me with this huge angelic smile nad says " Mama, I poop " ,ok, no big deal he has a diaper on, "Just wait a second , i need to finish this order"... Ok , one second turned into 10 minutes(I know, I can hear you ...what you left him with crappy pants for 10 minutes?? Well , isn't that nice, leaving your child's soft bottom in poop for 10 minutes!! Wonder if I should call CPS yet??) Anyways, so William comes back 10 minutes later , tells me again that he pooped and as though I hadnt quite understood what he meant by that , he stuck his hand in his diaper and proceeded to give me visual ( and more... ) proof!!! 3rd episode...

Now , tell me that there is nothing wrong with my child and that it is a normal process in the life of a 3 year old boy...Because I've had 3 before him and I can't recall any of them having such a obsession with CRAP !!! ( by the way , is crap a bad word in your world??Just wondering...)

Michelle, I wasnt not trying to be GROSSER than you , otherwise i would have added pictures!!!!

Have a good week end ladies!!!



Mommy to those Special Ks said...

OK I have absolutely NO advice for you... I just wanted to say thanks for the laugh and tell you that we say "Crap" ALL the time! haha

Laura said...

Well Mimi, you know I have 6 boys, so you would think I could give you some advice....I have NONE! As far as having him potty trained by 3,I go by the good book ....don't think the Bible mentions anything about potty training! The poop on the steps well that was...PRICELESS! Good luck!

Kim Wheedleton said...

Mimi, I'm trying to type through my giggles... my theory is they will be potty trained when they are good and ready. For my little people, it was about 3, 3 and a half, so perhaps William may be ready soon. I wouldn't sweat it... just one of those REALLY poopy weeks, huh?

Theresa said...

Wow, so much to cover. If I say crap, I get scolded by Amanda. So I guess that's a yes.

Stay-at-home-mom here with #2. Amanda was in underpants 2 days for she turned 3. Daniel was 3 weeks before 3. So you are good on that one!

I know what you mean about Super Nanny. My girlfriend and I joked that she will in one episode say 'turn off the cameras and woop him' (her word not mine).

I think it was a plus that it was a solid turd on the steps...could have been worse.

Dog poop...I got nothing there. Never been there. Never want to be there...except, Daniel went outside of our cabin while on vacation and pooped outside like a dog. Does that count?

I think William is normal. He's so darn cute!

By the way, nothing can beat Michelle's post about that kid. I gagged all the way to bed.

Love you, T

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

First, crap isn't a bad word in my book so no worries. 2nd my 3 year old Luke would sit in poop all day long if I let him so your situation is completely normal. As with most things I just think consistency is the key. When he messes up just tell him it's okay and redirect him to the toilet for poo poo time. I'm sure you already know this. I am positive he won't be 16 and still copping a squat on the stairs or yard. This too shall pass right...Love ya, Heather

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Speaking of poop issues. You saw which one of my pic's won Michelle's latest contest. None other than Luke digging around in his poopy diaper.

Stephanie Honeycutt said...

Ok Mimi here goes....

I have a 3 year old, not potty trained. (hey, I work too! but we try by the no diaper method too!!)He seems fascinated with poop. In fact, we call him Poo Poo Picaso for his love of using it as an art medium on the walls. Gotta love the makers of Clorox, Febreeze and Lever 2000 (for all your two thousand body parts!)Normal? I hope so!!! =) I think they are just learning - hee hee!

Nanny said...

I am a SAHM. My second was not potty trained till he was 4! The first was trained around 3. I feel all children will train in their own good time. If you don't make it an issue, it won't become an issue. Be patient. Remember, this is just one stage of many to come. ;o)

Michelle Kemper Brownlow said...

Hey girlfriend!!!
THANKS for not adding pictures - the hand in the poo at the end almost had me gagging!! HAHA

Matthew was 3 and 3 mos when HE decided he was done sitting in his own stink!

Call me lazy but it was just easier to do it when HE was ready instead of on MY schedule.

Anonymous said...

Love this blog Mimi! Too funny! Max is blessedly potty trained! I'd like to say that we don't have poop issues at our house, but... Josh (yes, THAT Josh) pooped under a tree in our backyard when he was 7(!!!) because he didn't feel like walking the 20 feet to the bathroom. Max and Adam have been known to have rabbit poop fights, and one of them (?) ate some once. Also, they all went through a significant time period when I had to look at their poops and hear how big they were or what they looked like. As for my husband, his childhood nickname was Marfi- his brother still calls him that- because he found and pointed out poop wherever he went. Apparently Marfi means poop in some other language. Bottom line (no pun intended)- boys are weird!

Love to You! Barb W. (check out the new blog soon)

Shellie said...

Hee hee ! William's cute. Crap comes out of my mouth on occasion too. Not literally, the word! I think he's totally normal. I had one like alabaster weathergirl who used it to paint on the wall, and I even caught him eating his brother's poop (that still makes me gag just wanting to type it). I also think he'll learn when he's dang good and ready. Calmly redirect him away from the poop and say something simple like it's too messy and don't make a big deal out of it or it will be even worse!

nomi said...

I've got nothing for you! Myah pretty much trained herself, I was lucky! And Hudson is sooooooooo not there yet! I just love the fact that a bunch of mommies can talk about poop, and it's TOTALLY okay!!

Beth said...

This is hilarious! I have a 2 1/2 year old who could care less about going on the potty. We'll ask her and she'll say "no". But she'll tell us when she needs a diaper change and even climbs up onto the changing table herself!!!! I know it's time - but we don't want to force it. Everyone says it will just click with her one day!

Good luck!

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Update this blog in your free time. Wink Heather

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

I kinda wanted pictures!

Korkie said...

William's poop behavior is so very normal.

I went through a similar training period with my son. Come to think of it, I believe he was three also.

My story .... too gross.

Betsy, short for Elizabeth, formally known as Esther said...

Um, man oh man...this was EXACTLY my life a few weeks ago! And I do mean EXACTLY!! My Middle pooped on the stairs. ON.THE.STAIRS.

A different example was him sticking his hand into his diaper and coming up with a poop top.

Which propelled us to mock 10 of potty training.

Oh and one more thing? My Middle is 3.5 years and we started training like two weeks ago. Frankly I don't care that he isn't trained, he will be one day.

Love it!!

Unknown said...

First of all, crap is not a bad word in my world. In fact, it's my favorite word!

I have four kids. All the but the 1st were so easy to potty train! The first one? He would poop in his under wear, sneak in the bathroom, flush them down the tiolet, and clean himself up. I always wondered why he didn't just GO TO THE TOILET! He went to a lot of trouble to clean and hide.

My youngest actually pooped and peed in the house several times. WHY?????? I still dont' know, but I had to clean up like I had a dog that wasn't house trained. Maybe it was more fun for her? And she would change her own diaper at times. I don't think there is a standard. I think all kids are pretty normal in their own way. Don't sweat it. He'll come around.