Monday, March 31, 2008

Just starting up...

Welcome to my life...My walk with God...My crazy home full of boys and pets...

I started this blog because ...Well, why not?

I have tried a few different blogs . Xanga, myspace , facebook... But it seems like a lot of you women who have been following my family on , belong to this community. I was jealous , I threw a fit and got me my own blogspot!!!

I have some friends on here already , ,

Just to name a few...
Now, PLEASE, don't make fun of me as I am new to this place , I know somehow I am supposed to be able to write their names instead of the whole address but I am way too " stupid-tired" (as my dear friend Peggy calls it) to try to figure it out!!!

Be back for for more!!
Or like they say here down in Texas " Yall come back ,Ya hear?"


Michelle Kemper Brownlow said...

So good to have you FRIEND!
You are such a fabulous writer that we would follow you where ever you would go but makes it WAY easy when you are right here WITH us!

Love you girl!

Laura said...

Hello there my sweet sister!!! As you can see on my sight I'm taken baby steps with my blog and don't know how to do the name short cut. Oh' I can't believe you are going to Chicago and to oprah no less, WOW! I got lots to say so I better just E-mail you! Lots of love coming your way...welcome to Blogspot!!!!

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited! :o)

Nanny said...


I have been following your story through Michelle and Dawn's blogs. I am looking forward to reading all you have to write.



I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Hip Hip Hooray, Mimi's joined the blogosphere. I'm linking you on mine. Blessings to you my friend. Tell Oprah Hi for me. Love, Heather (aka Faith Creations)

Theresa said...

Good Job...friend. I love Jeremy Camp but I've never heard this song before.

I am anxious to hear what you have to every word. Thirst for it as the Lord works in you.

Love you...T

Dawn said...

Woo Hoo! Welcome aboard Mimi! :)
To do the link thing - just highlight the word(s) you want to be the link. Then click on the green link icon on your toolbar and type in the url. Then click "ok". Voila!

dedekae said...


Glad to see you here, I have been following your carepages. Can't wait to read more.

Beth said...

HI MIMI!! So glad you've started a blog - I've been following Ju's carepage!!! Can't wait to read more - and no I'm not quitting - just a little April Fools joke for the readers!!!

Welcome to the world of Blogspot!! Will be checking back often!

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

MIMI!!!! It is a pleasure and a joy to make your acquaintance!!!!!!!

Tracy Rambles On And On said...

Welcome to the blog world!
I'm so happy to see that you now have a blog. I've been following your life through Michelle at My Semblance and I'm happy that now I can come here too!

My Two Army Brats said...

Hey Mimi!

I'm so glad that you started a blog. I read a few of your friends blogs regularly and keep up with you and your family (as well as a few others) on carepages but this will be nice!

I heard a song the other day that brought tears to my eyes, happy tears, because it was one of the ones that you used in a video of Julian.

Grandmother Goddess of the Garden said...

Grand job, I am caught up with the three of you! Love you Mimi!
